lunedì 21 novembre 2011

Ma quanto è bello nuotare!!!!!

mercoledì 16 novembre 2011

One hour of Language training,
English, Dutch, German and French, and also the Russian alphabet, wow I'm really confused!!!
Can anybody just upload all that into my brain???

martedì 15 novembre 2011

lunedì 14 novembre 2011

"Please steadily advance along the fundamental path of "faith manifests itself in daily life," living in the way that best suits you. Just as the sun rises every day, if you persistently advance based on the Mystic Law, the absolute Law of the universe, you will definitely be able to lead a life in which all desires are fulfilled, a life that you cannot now even conceive of. Please be convinced that you are now leading the most certain and valuable life." Daisaku Ikeda

Two picture today since the last days I was pretty busy working

here following Alex Maurizio's dog

and as well a picture of Albufeira,
great memories with Walter that just got back to Maastricht

Thanks to Settimio,
I've been able to watch my first movie on 3D.
It has been rather shocking with blood and heads spreading all over, however a nice movie to watch if you feel to peace and love with the world, this movie will give you back all the violence that you need ;o)

giovedì 10 novembre 2011

I've seen two movies lately


not the best movie ever but ok to spend an evening otherwise empty ;o)

while the secont one....

a real good movie!!!!...bit sad but good!!!

Questo tipo caratteriale è curioso, motivato dalle novità, pieno d'interessi e di entusiasmo. Ha molti amici, infatti spesso è divertente. E' capace di capire le motivazioni delle persone riuscendo ad intuirle o anticiparle. Attribuisce molta importanza ai sentimenti ed è molto leale nei confronti degli amici. E' una persona sensibile che rischia a volte di prendere le cose in maniera troppo personale. Apprezza gli elogi e cerca di evitare le situazioni che comportano delle tensioni. Ama affrontare e risolvere i problemi ed è dotato di molta fantasia e immaginazione che gli consentono, spesso, di trovare soluzioni brillanti e originali. E' indipendente, non conformista e difficilmente si lascia impressionare dall'autorità e dalle regole. Ha sempre molte idee, ma può non essere in grado di valutare se siano realistiche. Detesta la routine e le complicazioni. La sua incuranza nei confronti dei dettagli può portarlo ad essere disordinato e a non trovare quello che cerca. In genere, non è una persona precisa. Rischia di non dedicare tempo sufficiente all'analisi dei problemi, saltando troppo rapidamente alle conclusioni e andando, così, incontro ad errori. Sul lavoro è più adatto ad avviare dei progetti che a consolidarli. Spesso è una persona molto dotata intellettualmente, in grado di fare bene quello che le interessa.

Ok picture of the day...

martedì 8 novembre 2011

...not much time today for my blog :o(

however here one picture for today....

lunedì 7 novembre 2011

Pictures of the day

few more about Wassersuppe,

the place to be! ;o)

What I will take with me after reading something about Jung?

For sure he was an extremely intelligent person!  ....since god give and take, he was also mentally instable.

He was a good friend of Freud. His studies on psychology were characterized by the mixture of the statistically proven sciences and a mix of theology, religion, astrology, and analysis of dreams.

He was not able to find a casual link in most of the research he did. In order to understand his psychology you need to believe in something which his higher than rationality.

Jung believed that we are greatly affected by the surrounding in which we are raised, furthermore he believes that certain human behaviour are strictly connected to the myths and history of each culture (the collective unconscious)

We are tools of god

Jung sat face to face with his patients, this is the most important thing that make me willing to investigate more into his philosophy of life

domenica 6 novembre 2011

Time Management

check out this video, I will have to give a presentation in the near future,
that for me was a great help

...and the pictures of the day are....

Wassersuppe....check it the middle of nowhere :o)

sabato 5 novembre 2011

Ritorno sul Blog?
Back on line?

I'll just try to write in english so that I will give the chance to more people to understand what I'm writing about....maybe since my english is not that good!

However it is for a good purpose therefore appreciate the effort please! ;o)

The title in Italian means back on my blog but actually I was never there, so I guess It's time to start!

What it will be about???
Just let me figure it out.....
Firstly.....Yes about what I am reading, some book reviews...better comments so that at least I will remeber something about them since most of the time i tend to forget everything!
Secondly of course some music, some pics and some coookig recepies.

this morning I woke up and I had that

....mmmm a nice apple pancakes

So what I put in it....simply flour an egg and some milk, i am not able yet to tell you how much, but trust me it was nice!

...and then i finished a book

I red quite few books of Banana Yoshimoto, and I have to admit that this one was not one of the best I red but for sure was not deeply depressing as some of them... From the first few lines it seems that i did not like at all the book and especially Banana Yoshimoto, that's not true. I am just a bit too harsh on the comments.
To counterbalance....she has the power to describe anything and you will be sure that anything after her description became something! for instance:

"Anche se visto dal fondo dell'acqua appare deformato, il cielo è il cielo"
And how to translate that ???
"If you look at the sky from underwater it will be deformed, however the sky is the sky"

The book is about a 40 years girl that works into a fashion shop and travels back and forth to Italy to buy new items for the shop. She lives with a teenager, and the relationship between them is very powerful.
That's about it, but as always it's a pleasure for your brain! I'm reading Jung, it will be fun to comment on it!!!

and here the picture of the day

Cafe Zuid, one of the best place in Maastricht!!